Pictures from summer 2005



The reason we didn't have enough time for breeding. Extracting 450 boxes a day.

My insemination setup. The mating nucs outside holds queens until they start egg laying.

The pink on top left is semen.

A new queen is looking out for the first time....

Splits on the location they stay over winter.

They get apistan strips and candy to keep the queen laying to produce more winter bees.
Syrup in given when most of the new bees hatched out, and strips removed.

The only time we have to go down to the bottom boxes is when requeening. As we have
queens getting ready through summer, we have to take on the job of lifting honey off and
on the hives one extra time.

Looked pretty much the same in every yard....

Now it's getting ridiculous, but I didn't manage to lift off the top boxes any other way....

